Architecture of SAP FS-CD

Let’s talk about the architecture of SAP FS-CD. FS-CD is a settling system meaning it settles the incoming or outgoing payment but it is more than just a billing/settling system or payment engine. While other software providers only cover the receivable or payable part of the transaction FS-CD also deals with the Revenue and Expense … Read more

Difference between FS-CD and FPSL (Financial product sub-ledger) 

Let’s discuss about what is the difference between FS-CD and FPSL. SAP FPSL (Financial product subledger) is SAP’s solution for not only insurance but the entire financial services industry sector like banks, insurances, reinsurance companies, fintechs and corporates. It is designed for these corporations to keep up with key accounting regulations, like IFRS 9, IFRS … Read more

What is SAP FS-CD

Overview What is SAP FS-CD?. FS-CD stands for Financial Services Collections & Disbursements. It is an application of SAP for Insurance suite. As the name suggests, for any insurance company this application provides capabilities to collect the payments like premium, fees etc. and disburse the amounts like claims, refund etc and all the relevant processes … Read more